Business / Personal

Game tape

June 30, 20232 min read

I've been making it a point to try to read more lately. For a long time, I've been keeping my head down and just focusing on building my business, but I haven't been doing much reading about business or even the industry I'm in. A lot of that has been out of necessity, and just the limited amount of time that I have. But it's also partly about a belief that I have that you learn a lot more by doing rather than reading or watching what other people do.

I still think that's the case, but it's not the whole picture. If you think about pro athletes who spend time watching game tape to study competitors or past great players, they are able to take these learnings and apply them to their own game. Without this time studying game tape, they are just winging it every day trying to get better. Studying other players gives them different ideas of things to work on while they are practicing.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you are just watching tape all day and not practicing, you're just someone who's watching a lot of sports and probably not playing well. So, without a doubt, execution and doing the thing are still the most important. But I'm trying to take more time to read, especially biographies of interesting business personas, to give me more ideas that I can factor into the way I'm building my business.