Productivity / Work

Routine markers

March 30, 20232 min read

The past few weeks have been really tough on my daily routines. First, I was away for a few days, then I was sick, and most recently I was hosting family in town for two weeks. Going into my family's visit, I had pretty optimistic ideas about keeping to my exercise and writing routines, maybe not daily but at least regularly.

That didn't happen, and in the end I'm pretty ok with that. Spending time and being present with people you don't get to see that often is more important than keeping consistent at something just for the sake of keeping consistent. Instead, what I think is more important, is how you respond after. What you do the day after everything settles down and you again have the ability to do your daily routines.

Do you put them off and say, just a couple more days and then I'll get back to them? Or do you jump right back in with no second thoughts? To me, I think it's important that you lay down a marker with your routines by jumping back in immediately. It's perfectly fine to take time off for good reasons, but if you believe the activities that make up your routines are truly valuable, you should make a point to get right back to them the first chance you get.